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Taruvar Plants and Garden Store

Ficus Lyrata Bambino (Dwarf Fiddle-Leaf Fig)

Ficus Lyrata Bambino (Dwarf Fiddle-Leaf Fig)

Regular price Rs. 400.00
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Product Name: Ficus Lyrata Bambino (Dwarf Fiddle-Leaf Fig)

Meet the Ficus Lyrata Bambino, a charming and compact version of the popular fiddle-leaf fig. Perfectly sized for indoor spaces, this dwarf variety brings the elegance of large fiddle-leaf figs to any home, office, or urban setting.

Why Ficus Lyrata Bambino is Special:

  • Compact Size: The Bambino is a dwarf variety, making it an ideal choice for smaller spaces. It retains the iconic fiddle-shaped leaves but in a more manageable and adorable size.

  • Indoor Beauty: Bring the beauty of nature indoors with this stylish and trendy plant. Its lush, glossy leaves add a touch of green sophistication to your living or working space.

  • Air-Purifying Qualities: Like its larger counterpart, the Bambino contributes to better indoor air quality by filtering out common pollutants, creating a healthier environment.

  • Low Maintenance: Ficus Lyrata Bambino is known for being relatively low-maintenance. With the right care, it can thrive and become a resilient and enduring addition to your indoor plant collection.

How to Care for Ficus Lyrata Bambino:

  1. Light: Place your Bambino in bright, indirect light. It thrives in filtered sunlight but can adapt to lower light conditions.

  2. Watering: Allow the top inch of the soil to dry before watering. Ensure proper drainage to prevent overwatering, which can lead to root rot.

  3. Temperature: Maintain a warm and consistent temperature between 60-75°F (15-24°C). Protect the plant from drafts and sudden temperature changes.

  4. Humidity: While it can adapt to normal household humidity, occasional misting or placing the pot on a tray of water and pebbles can provide extra humidity.

  5. Fertilization: Feed your Bambino with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) to support healthy growth.

  6. Pruning: Trim any yellow or damaged leaves to maintain the plant's appearance. Prune sparingly to encourage bushier growth.

  7. Repotting: Repot when the plant outgrows its current container, typically every 1-2 years. Use a well-draining potting mix.

Décor Tips:

  • Display your Ficus Lyrata Bambino as a standalone centerpiece or as part of an indoor plant arrangement.
  • Choose decorative pots that complement your interior style.
  • Rotate the plant occasionally to ensure even growth.

The Ficus Lyrata Bambino is not just a plant; it's a statement piece that brings a touch of nature's elegance to your personal space. With its manageable size and eye-catching leaves, this dwarf fiddle-leaf fig is the perfect addition to your indoor plant collection, creating a green oasis wherever it resides.

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