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Carmona Mycrophylla - Moujean Tea Plant

Carmona Mycrophylla - Moujean Tea Plant

Regular price Rs. 300.00
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Product Name: Carmona Mycrophylla - Moujean Tea Plant

Discover the Carmona Mycrophylla, commonly known as the Moujean Tea Plant, a fragrant and versatile herb that adds a delightful touch to your garden and offers a host of practical uses.

Why Carmona Mycrophylla (Moujean Tea Plant) is Special:

  • Aromatic Foliage: The Moujean Tea Plant is celebrated for its aromatic leaves, releasing a pleasant fragrance when touched or crushed. The scent is reminiscent of a blend of mint and citrus.

  • Culinary Uses: The leaves of Carmona Mycrophylla are used to brew a soothing tea known for its mild flavor. It's a popular choice for herbal tea enthusiasts looking for a refreshing and aromatic beverage.

  • Medicinal Properties: Traditionally, Moujean Tea has been used in folk medicine for its potential health benefits. It's believed to have soothing properties and may be used in various home remedies.

  • Ornamental Value: Beyond its practical uses, the Moujean Tea Plant is an attractive addition to gardens, with small, glossy leaves and a compact growth habit.

How to Care for Carmona Mycrophylla (Moujean Tea Plant):

  1. Light: Provide the Moujean Tea Plant with full to partial sunlight. It thrives in a sunny location but can tolerate some shade.

  2. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.

  3. Soil: Plant in well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. A slightly acidic to neutral pH is preferred.

  4. Temperature: Moujean Tea prefers warm temperatures and is not frost-tolerant. Protect it from temperatures below 40°F (4°C).

  5. Pruning: Trim the plant regularly to maintain a compact shape and encourage bushier growth. Harvest leaves for tea as needed.

  6. Fertilization: Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) to promote healthy growth.

  7. Propagation: Moujean Tea can be propagated from cuttings. Take cuttings in spring or early summer and root them in well-draining soil.

Culinary and Medicinal Uses:

  • Tea Preparation: Harvest the young leaves, and brew them to make a flavorful and aromatic herbal tea. Experiment with blending with other herbs for a unique flavor profile.

  • Medicinal Infusions: Some believe that Moujean Tea may have mild medicinal properties, and it's used in traditional remedies. Consult with a healthcare professional for advice.

Décor Tips:

  • Plant the Moujean Tea in containers or herb gardens for easy access to its aromatic leaves.
  • Combine it with other herbs or ornamental plants to create a visually appealing and fragrant garden space.

The Carmona Mycrophylla (Moujean Tea Plant) is not just a garden addition; it's a sensory experience. From its delightful fragrance to its culinary and potential medicinal uses, this versatile herb brings both practicality and beauty to your outdoor or indoor space. Explore the world of Moujean Tea and enjoy its aromatic charm.

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